When you look at the most in-demand careers, healthcare jobs in Canada are perpetually at or near the top of the list. Specific to BC's Sunshine Coast, the community is always on the lookout for healthcare professionals that want to relocate to Canada or relocate within British Columbia.
We were honoured to work with Sunshine Coast Divisions Of Family Practice and create a recruitment video that detailed the best parts of a career in healthcare, working on Canada's Sunshine Coast as a physician.
If this sounds appealing to you or someone you know, visit the Sunshine Coast Divisions Of Family Practice website for more info: https://bit.ly/SunshineCoastDoctorsWanted
Why practice on the Sunshine Coast, BC?
DR ROB LEHMAN: I have absolutely no regrets when I look back of the choice we made to come here as our family, and I think that's so cool to be able to say that. You know, after all these years, it was the right choice.
DR ANNETTE MCCALL: And maybe one of the greatest things about being here on the Sunshine Coast is the ability to balance work and lifestyle.
DR PAUL DHILLON: The best part of working with the other physicians on the Coast, and part of what kind of sealed the deal or the contract to come here, was the incredible group of physicians. It's a really nice mix, I think now with new-in-practice fresh physicians, and then at the same time, some who've been here for 30, 40 years.
DR OLUKEMI OREMAKINDE: The people here are very nice, they are very friendly, that's one thing about the Coast.
NATASHA NAIDU: What I like about living on the Coast is how peaceful it is. Our lives are busy, it's a little bit crazy, and so having that sense of calm, it's really important to me.
DR JENNIFER BAXTER: I take the ferry and you get on to the Coast and the stress just melts. There's something different about the atmosphere here that it just... It feels different.
DR BRUCE ROBINSON: One of the best things about living on the Coast is that you can jump on a ferry and you can be there, downtown, and you'll be there in an hour or two. And you can do your shopping, and then you can leave it all behind.
DR CHINMAY DALAL: You rarely have to wait for the ferry. It's a quick on and off. I'm door-to-door to my parents' place in two hours from our place here, and that's the same as living in Abbotsford.
DR RAHUL GUPTA: I'm happy to say that over the 10 years that we've been here, between having lots of micro-breweries and a lot of different restaurants opening and a new demographic emerging, there's actually a lot to do here.
SARAH DHILLON: We've seen orca whales in the summertime. We've had a bear in our front and backyard... Deer roaming through, eating our garden.
DR ANNETTE MCCALL: The outdoor activities here are phenomenal in terms of hiking and kayaking. We can do cross country skiing here, beachcombing and beach-walking.
DR JULIE BAXTER: I love that I can go and take my dogs for a walk up on the mountain and be in the middle of nowhere and be enjoying nature, and then come on down and go to my clinic later in the day.
DR RAHUL GUPTA: One of the unique things about the Sunshine Coast is that we live and work on the unceded lands of the Squamish Nation and the Shíshálh Nation. I really appreciate that there's opportunities for learning about our history, and I look forward to deeper collaborations with all of the First Nation people.
DR JENNIFER BAXTER: Professionally, I really value the fact that there's a lot of opportunity for diversity in practice here. It's been indescribable the extent to which I have been supported and continue to be supported to do what works for me and my well-being.
DR ADETUNJI OREMAKINDE: The most satisfying part of being a doctor on the Sunshine Coast, is the ability to diversify. To work in a full scope practice. Being able to work in the emergency room keeps me active, keeps me busy, and I'm happy it's my life here.
DR JULIE BAXTER: I love having a full practice. I love being a rural physician where I can deliver babies, I can work in the emergency department. I develop a really wonderful relationship with my patients. I go to their homes when they die. I get to care for my patients in the hospital, which is really satisfying medicine.
DR CHINMAY DALAL: When you're in the city and you're looking at joining the local division of family medicine, or the Doctors of BC union, any of the actual lobbying groups, you don't really get that opportunity in your early years of practice. And I'm the current chair for the divisions, I'm on the hospital boards. It's really nice that I can get to the real core of the matters and affect real change early in my career.
DR BRUCE ROBINSON: There's a wide variety of things that you can do both in and out of facility. It is one of the benefits of living here is that I don't think there's a limit to what we can experience.
DR ROB LEHMAN: The advice that I would give to other physicians considering coming to a community like the Sunshine Coast, is recognizing it is a rural and sometimes remote community. There's a level of responsibility that you've got to be willing to take to practice in a community like this.
DR PAUL DHILLON: When I think about the other places that I could have been, I just feel so blessed and lucky that we fell into this wonderful community, this wonderful hospital community, and for raising my family community and friends. If I had known about it, I would have been here five years earlier, and I think once you come up here, you really understand what a magical, unique pocket of British Columbia (and of the world) it is, and you just wish you had been here earlier.
For more information on why doctor’s should consider working and living on BC’s Sunshine Coast, visit the Divisions of Family Practice website: https://bit.ly/SunshineCoastDoctorsWanted